


Location @ The Hub Wānaka
 numbers limited 

1 x 4 hours Workshop
Daily 15 min recorded meditations to support you to cultivate your well-being & possibilities to gather momentum 
(these meditations have been pre recorded and are feed through daily on a private group facebook page
Enrolments Open 
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Location @ The Hub Wānaka
 numbers limited 

6 x  90 Minute Class Weekly
Daily 15 min recorded meditations to support you to cultivate your well-being & possibilities to gather momentum 
(these meditations have been pre recorded and are feed through daily on a private group facebook page)

Enrolments Open 
bottom of page

offers you an opportunity to come together in community to cultivate & share a meditation practice. It allows you time to surrender and be guided through various meditation practices to access a place within you of deep inner well-being & possibilities.  

This Gathering is for you if you are wanting to:

  • Cultivate a practice of  breath, sensation, heart & movement meditation
  • Establish, continue or re-establish a meditation practice in your everyday life
  • Utilise the support & ease of guided meditation & visualisation
  • Create a day to day life with increased well-being & possibilities
  • Have an opportunity to gather with your local people & community
  • Share and learn from others experiences, insights, techniques & understandings of life & wellbeing

*Please note this is a non-religious gathering & all religious and non religious orientations are welcome
* This Gathering is open to anyone above the age of 16 years
*You do not have to know how to meditate to receive benefit from these classes 
*Please note this course is not an `Introduction to Meditation' course & will not go into the finer details of how to meditate.

Benefits from guided meditation include:

  • Reduced stress &/or anxiety
  • Enhanced mental & spiritual well-being
  • Increased ability to direct thoughts
  • Increased focus and attention
  • New ways of perceiving yourself and the world
  • Increased connection with your inner intuition & vaster self

Benefits from movement meditation include:

  • An opportunity to listen to what your body is needing & wanting to let go of
  • A chance to still the mind through movement
  • An invitation to let go 
  • An opportunity to empty out tension before dropping into silence and stillness

Benefits from guided visualisation include:

  • The opportunity to consciously give attention to what you `do want', rather than what you `don't want'
  • An opportunity to consciously create from a place of insight and connection
  • Increased access to possibilities which are personally aligned with your Well-Being

Benefits from collecting together as a group include:

  • Meeting new like-minded & like-hearted people
  • Cultivating a sense of connection, belonging & place within your community
  • Being able to learn from each others experiences and insights
  • Utilising group support and focus to experience a deeper meditation
  • New conversations & new experiences

Movement Meditation

We stretch & move to release from our bodies the tension that has been build up from our fears, doubts & confusion, stress etc
 As we let go through movement meditation we become more flexible and fluid in mind and body 
& begin to remember our hearts calling & lightness of being 
Then when emptied &open we return joyfully into stillness to surrender to the depths of silence 

The Quote Below Says It All

“In many shamanic societies, if you came to a medicine person complaining of being disheartened, dispirited, or depressed, they would ask one of four questions: "When did you stop dancing? When did you stop singing? When did you stop being enchanted by stories? When did you stop being comforted by the sweet territory of silence?”

― Gabrielle Roth

Often people are concerned about dancing/moving in front of others. To put your mind at rest the movement meditation is held in a softly light room. You are guided to close your eyes to move and to go within not to look at others. If you feel to open your eyes you are welcome to do so but once again this is your own opportunity to go within and collect back your own energy, not to give others your attention.

Past Reviews

"I sought out a meditation class because my thought processes were chaotic, I was overthinking and experiencing stress and anxiety as a result. Through Tanette's class and her calm and sensitive guidance, I have embarked on a journey of learning how to manage my thoughts and reach a state of calm and peacefulness within myself. This is transforming my life and how I interact with others. I have more focus and a greater sense of positivity and inner well-being. An unexpected bonus has been that the quality of my sleep has improved. I have found that I can calm my mind for sleep better and if I wake through the night, I no longer toss and turn for hours, but can return to sleep much more quickly.
Meditation Participant

"For a while I had wanted to start meditating, but didn't know where to begin. These classes looked like a great opportunity to develop the required skills in a safe, collective environment. Throughout the classes and online guided meditations I learnt, and was able to put into practice, many tools to aid me in moving towards wellbeing. The insights I gained around my life's possibilities have allowed me to begin steering myself in the direction I want to go and I have experienced a noticeable change in my overall wellbeing, including the interactions and relationships I have with others. Thank you Tanette for your time, experience and all you do to help others live a life of wellbeing."

"I felt drawn to Tanettes meditation class as I had participated in the past, and during the depths of winter needed to reconnect to the deeper aspects of my self. It certainly helped. It was great to experience the movement meditation again, and discover the freedom and joy it offers. The daily online classes are a great way to establish a regular practice, and helped with my tight, heavy shoulders... Forget panadol!!! I look forward to my mat time, and love the feeling if lightness it brings to my day. Looking forward, I now have more clarity of what I want in my life and what I need to do to enable it to happen. Filling up my Wellbeing is now a priority without any guilt or feelings of selfishness attached!! So glad to have made this discovery. Thank you Tanette "???

".....  The techniques she (Tanette) teaches have helped me calm my over active mind, thus creating a sense of peace and joy in my daily life.  I would recommend mindfulness techniques for everyone, and suggest a daily practice to reduce lifes stress, tension and negativity." Meditation Participant 

"I did meditation classes with Tanette for a year and I had an incredible experience. She is a very talented person with a big heart and knows how to give us comfort with her words. I really recommend this place! ?" Meditation Participant

"...I have also done a number of meditation courses with Tanette over the past 3 years, and found that regular practice to be very helpful in dealing in stressful situations, and learning to live life in the present moment. Tanette was able to guide each session with ease and I always felt safe and reassured. I have been on a weekend retreat that Tanette facilitated, and identified some goals I wanted to achieve in my life and created a step by step plan to accomplish them. Tanette was always encouraging and supportive, using her amazing skills and gifts to help us all live the life we want to live. Heartfelt thanks Tanette. ?Meditation Participant

"I attended meditation classes with Tanette. These have had the most beneficial impact on my life. What an amazing, positive and empowering experience. Tanette provides expert and empathetic guidance ... Highly recommended.Meditation Participant

Thank you for creating this beautiful experience. Your guided meditations took me to places i did not know existed and helped me find strength and peace I did not know I had.

The most welcoming space in a beautiful place. Having had the amazing and awakening opportunity to sit through Tanette's meditation circle retreat was such a blessing. I was guided through layers of myself I didn't know existed. Getting right to the core and connecting back to the roots of us all. Tanette is an enlightening and uplighting beam of light who shares the gift of the journey to finding our centre. THANK YOU.  Circle Guest 

"I  came to this course completely exhausted, my mind was constantly on the go, negative thinking had become an ingrained habit and the worry of "what if" scenarios that ran through my mind everyday was taking it's toll.  Meditation and mindfulness had been something I explored on my own previously, but unsuccessfully.  So when I found out that Tanette was running a 6 week course I didn't hesitate to sign up.  I really didn't know what to expect and was perhaps a little intimidated by the thought of it all (again worrying!), but as soon as I arrived to The Tiny Temple For Well-being I felt only warmth and acceptance.  That first night Tanette guided our circle of women through 2 types of meditations, I found her words struck a cord with me and the tone of her voice very soothing and encouraging. I can honestly say there were moments when I felt totally at peace with myself and completely "in the present moment".  It was if a light had been switched on, an awakening, within a week I began to look and pay attention to how I reacted to everyday situations. I felt calmer, my head seemed clearer and I wasn't so stressed out.  I have even started to meditate at home by myself.  The course has been an amazing experience and I can honestly say a highlight of my week, I really enjoy meditating in a group and sharing our experiences.  I am only just starting my journey into meditation/mindfulness and am excited to see where it/Tanette will take me.  I've already signed up for the next course and I would not hesitate to recommend it to anyone who has ever considered doing anything like this. Tanette is a wonderful teacher, with a wealth of knowledge that she genuinely enjoys sharing with others.Circle Guest 

"I have recently moved to Wanaka from Southland, where I left a circle of women who regularly gathered to share parts of ourselves in a circle setting.  I was very grateful to find a group of women here who find nourishment through the same practice.  It makes Wanaka feel more like home.Each meditative experience strengthens my spiritual understanding of the practice.  Tanette provided yet another hue, another dimension, to my cache of experiences.  When she shared her understanding of the mandala, my own understanding increased tenfold. Belonging to a meditation group supports my personal meditation practices and beliefs immensely.  We are all one.  We do not exist in isolation.  Meditation circles are a physical reminder of this fact.  Regular interaction with like-minded beings and guidance by a skilled teacher help me navigate my emotional cargo ship through the mini dramas of my life and the lives of the people I love.  There's huge benefits in that.Circle Guest 



Option 1.
Invited Donation

for the 6 weeks
Payment Plan Available

Option 2.
Donate what you can
Payment Plan Available

Option 3.
1 free scholarship offered per block please email me if you would like to apply

You Will Receive

~ 6 X Evening Well-being Classes 
~ Guided Movement & Sitting Meditations
~ Guided Visualisations For Your personal Expansion & Possibilities
~ A Platform To Connect With Like Minded & Like Hearted Community 

~ Daily Guided 15 min Meditations For Well-Being (prerecorded & delivered daily through facebook)



Tanette Hickey

Hello my name is Tanette and I will be your Well-being Facilitator for this Winter Gathering.
It is with my utmost joy that I am able to offer these various platforms to encourage and support you towards `Creating A Life You Love" whatever that looks like for you. I have been offering various platforms for personal development over the last ten years in many shapes and forms and am continually amazed & delighted at the 'Magic and Jewels' that are created in peoples lives when a group comes together.  
For more information about me including past Retreats, Qualifications, Professional Experience etc please click here

I look forward to meeting you soon






Cushion/s to sit on 
(if you would prefer a chair there are plenty available)
A Face mask (incase of lock down regulations)
Yoga mat 
Warm blanket
Water bottle (movement meditation is thirsty work)
Comfortable clothing 


In the event of a lockdown the class will be held online at the same day & time.
The Online class will have more sitting meditation and will also incorporate a small amount of movement to music (about 3 songs)
I have found out from experience that some people in lock down do not have the space, privacy or circumstance to put music on and move around. So to incorporate everyones needs in a time of lockdown only a small amount of music will be offered with gentle stretching on a yoga mat

Every week you will be sent a ZOOM link in your reminder email which is only to be used in the case of not being able to come physically to the Wānaka Hub








You Will Receive

  • 6 X Evening Well-being Classes 
  • Guided Sitting & Movement Meditations
  • Guided Visualisations For Your personal Expansion & Possibilities
  • A Platform To Connect With Like Minded & Like Hearted Community 
Daily Guided 15 min Meditations For Well-being
 (prerecorded & delivered daily through facebook)

If there is a lockdown the classes will be held online via ZOOM

If you currently do not have the funds & would like to join this 6 week block or would like to set up a payment plan please contact Tanette 
on 0212622049 or  email



1. Click the `SET TIME ZONE' Button
2. View Dates & click `CONTINUE'
3. Fill In Details & Confirm Terms & Conditions
4. Pay with Credit Card or Pay Pal 

You will then receive full details & confirmation via email of  your enrolment